Case study

Campaign to drive loyalty program designed for influencers- Pan India (Below The Line)

About Campaign


To ensure maximum enrollment of the biggest influencers of the electric wires, light and pump categories to the loyalty program which acts as a catalyst to increase sales. Also to ensure already enrolled electricians are aligned to the loyalty program.
No of meets conducted till date: 400
Locations: northern India, southern India and western India

Success Story

When we had started doing this activity we had observed that the responsibilities of conducting this meet was left on dealers and retailers who in turn were just doing it to please their preferred electricians or friends and the entire focus was just to make the TG /non TG happy
The Challenges

Challenges faced by the company

  • There was no control on attendees and screening of invitees wasn’t done
  • Deliverables were not addressed properly and there was focus shift
  • Almost Same audiences were repeated in all the meets stagnating the influencer’s data base which consequently impacted the reach
initiatives Taken

Pallas’s initiatives

Streamlined the process to counter the above challenges culminating into better ROI
  • Soft copy of an invite one each for retailer, electrician and the company is sent to the respective BMM’s
  • The success story was discussed in the forum to motivate others to achieve numbers
  • A soft MIS management helped weeding out the duplicacy
  • ·After the meet same data is collated in an excel sheet at the regional office and sent to us and HO
  • Engagement of Pallas as their pan india partner has helped them to standardize the process and has reduced the TAT to the optimum number of

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